Assalamualaikum. Udah lumayan lama ga ngepost nih. Sebelumnya ngepost ttg game mulu yaa, tapi post ini bakal beda karna ini adalah post-an buat tugas bahasa Inggris.
Ini adalah tugas dari Ms. Yolanda buat seluruh anak kelas XI dan kebetulan tugas ini dilakukan perkelompok yang masing - masing kelompok terdiri dari 3 orang. Saya, chusnul, dan febrian adalah salah satu kelompok yang ditentukan oleh Ms, Yolanda sendiri.
Langsung aja ya, Cekidot!
Indonesia Traditional "Kebaya"
In many parts of Indonesia, the Kebaya is seen as a strong nationalistic symbol and has been strongly supported as a symbol of identity for Indonesian woman by prominent figures throughout the nation's history.
Recently, this traditional dress has become recognized internationally as it is used as the uniform for flight attendance (stewardesses) on Singapore Airlines, Malaysia Airlines, and Garuda Indonesia.
We agree if Kebaya is using for flight uniform. It's very a good idea because we can entertain our one of the national uniform from Indonesia. Kebaya is our pride and we can show it to the other country. Kebaya also has a good design, so it match with the Stewardess that basically have a propotional body and good physics. So, it can be a point plus when they are using Kebaya for flight uniform.
But beside the positive side, there is a negative side too. The other country that already see our flight uniform can make the flight uniform as same as Indonesia flight uniform. Iksan Rosan (Senior Manager Public Relations of Garuda Indonesia) said that using kebaya is depend on how long the duration of flight. And one of the Stewardess said that if using Kebaya for a long time, it's uncomfortable and it's so tight. But overall, if Kebaya is using for flight uniform it must be so good.
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